Tuesday, November 23, 2010

Pelosi Fired As Speaker

"The outcome of the election does not diminish the work we have done for the American people," I would change one word in that statement: From “for” to “to.” “The outcome of the election does not change the work we have done TO the American people. And that is what the Democrats have done: not “for” the American people, TO the American people. They have done nothing FOR the American people. They have spent more of our money than there IS; they have moved us ever closer to SOCIALISM, a system that has FAILED every time it has been tried, and is based on STEALING from those who EARN and GIVING to those who don’t, to maintain their power.

Nancy has lost most of her power because of what she and her accomplices did TO the American people and when they “woke up,” they rebuffed her. I think one of the STUPIDEST statements I’ve ever heard a politician make was when she said, “We have to pass this bill to . . .uh . . .find out what’s in it.” That statement, more than any other, woke people up to the con that was going on in Washington. No, we didn’t get rid of Harry Reid, nor the Democrat majority in the Senate. But hopefully we can keep some of the bad bills from ever getting TO the Senate with our new majority. Yes, she and Reid barely won re-election, due to the stupidity of many of their constituents. But that isn’t going to last long as they both soon recede into the woodwork of history. Nancy has run for, and won the office of MINORITY leader in the House. I guess the Democrats are too stupid to see what she has done to them. (ABC News)

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