Tuesday, May 11, 2010

SWAT Against "Tea Party Terrorism"

Obama called out SWAT to “keep order” when the Tea Party came to town. They didn’t find any violence, but they created some when they started pushing around the peaceful Americans who were only there to have what they wanted to say heard. Not that anybody was listening. Obama and his accomplices aren’t interested in what the American people have to say. They’re only interested in shutting them up. If they can’t do it with union thugs they’ll do it with SWAT thugs (jack-booted thugs) who are used to people doing what they say or they get beaten up and taken to jail. Watch what’s happening here, folks. It’s only going to get worse, the longer Obama is in charge. Soon we’re going to be a dictatorship with Obama in charge. (Breitbart’s Big Government)

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