Saturday, May 29, 2010

Clinton Lying for Obama

It’s nothing new for Bill Clinton to lie. He lied to Congress and and lost his law license for five years while we paid a large fine to get him off the hook for it. Here’s what happened: Obama wanted to keep Arlen specter in the Congress so he told Rahm Emmanuel (he of the “never let a good crisis go to waste” comment) to find someone who will lie for him to offer Democrat Joe Sestak (It was very hard to find out he WAS a Democrat) a job if he will get out of the race against Specter. Of course, Clinton knew if Sestak accepted, Rahm would make it good. It was a FELONY for anyone in the administration to offer him a job, so it fell to the “house liar,” Bill Clinton, who was not himself “in the administration.”

After Clinton got his acceptance, Emmanuel could then give him the job without committing a felony, since Clinton was the actual “offerer” (and he could be given the job AFTER getting out of the election, eliminating the possibility of a felony). This is how it is done in Washington. Clinton was the “cut-out” that gave Obama “plausible deniability” and kept him from (technically) committing a felony. If there ever IS an “investigation” of this (which there probably won’t be with Obama controlling the means of prosecution), it will find “no wrongdoing,” of course, as do ALL “investigations” of itself done by people in Washington. (Dick

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