Saturday, May 15, 2010

Robin Hood's "Bad Rap"

Robin Hood has always been painted as “robbing the rich to give to the poor” but that is wrong. He robbed the GOVERNMENT rich, who GOT rich by plundering the poor, and gave it BACK to the poor. They never talk about that part of it. They want to make being RICH a crime. Forget that the “rich” in the piece were the king and his local sheriff, who got rich by being the GOVERNMENT, and by TAXING the people unmercifully. The idea that Robin Hood and Che Guevera have something in common is absurd! Guevara is the EQUIVILANT of the king and his sheriff! He never tried to do ANYTHING for the “peasants.” He was the “pillager” in Cuba. The equivalent of the king in this country now is Obama, who is quickly robbing this country of all its money and all the power to control “the peasants” there is. We need to start realizing this and GET RID OF HIM! (Media Research Center)

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