Sunday, May 9, 2010

Stupid Liberals

“Isn’t that a little harsh?” some people would ask. Not at all. Liberal school authorities sent five boys home for “offending” Mexican (illegal alien) students by having the temerity to wear shirts emblazoned with (gasp!) AMERICAN flags (in AMERICA!) and refusing to turn them inside out on demand. Liberals are the ones who want to ELIMINATE keeping score from sports games so the losers will not “feel bad.” That this would prevent the kids from being prepared for LIFE doesn’t seem to occur to them. Liberals think the way to self defense is to DISARM yourself in the face of danger to “prove to the bad guys you aren’t a threat.” They’re the ones who want to teach kids half the time in Spanish to “cater” to illegal aliens and even LEGAL aliens who refuse to assimilate. Liberals think WE started the WAR we’re now fighting (which they won’t even call a war or name our enemy) with Islamic terrorists by our actions against THEM. They forget entirely that Islamic extremists have been wantonly attacking us for centuries. I could write an entire BOOK just LISTING the ways liberals are stupid, but I won’t. I think I’ve made my point. (Just common sense)

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