Thursday, September 5, 2013

CPS Takes Kids for LEGAL Pot

Michael Lewis is a vet who was injured seriously while in the service in the Gulf War. He legally uses pot for medicinal purposes. The cops came to his house on a spurious charge of “illegal daycare service.” When they couldn’t prove it, they charged him with “general neglect” and took his two children, keeping them for a year. An appeals court found them not guilty of ANY offense and ordered their kids’ return (no doubt after an expensive legal battle CPS could afford, but he couldn’t). He’s now suing them. Apparently these cops think ANY use of pot is unlawful, even though his was legal. This is typical CPS operation. They take your children as a FIRST OPTION any time they can find an excuse. They LIE to keep them and get federal money for every day they’re in their custody. And you have to spend YOUR MONEY to fight them while they use TAXPAYER MONEY to fight you. (The Blaze)

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