Friday, July 5, 2013

We're Finished

Within 20 years we’re going to be just one more Muslim-run country under Sharia Law if we don’t wake up and get rid of that Muslim sympathizer in the White House (who has a PROVEN phony Social Security number and badly made phony birth certificates. (Yes, "certificates"). Muslim terrorists are OPENLY infiltrating our government with Obama’s APPROVAL. One of his latest actions is to let the Muslims take charge of the FBI. There are many other examples of how he has allowed Muslim extremists run things in his administration. Muslim sympathizers hold top positions all over our government, just as COMMUNIST sympathizers did back when our chief enemy was Russia and communism was the enemy and a top communist was a close adviser to the president.

People knew about them then and said so, but they were called “kooks, seeing communists under every bed.” But it turns out they were right. Now the enemy are Islamic extremists and Obama is one of them (he still denies their existence, even though they kill innocent people every day). He’ll probably come right after me if he sees this, but I don’t care. I’m old enough I’ll be dead by the time it happens, anyway. But unless somebody with gonads does something to stop it, it will happen. Because they’ve not only infiltrated lower levels, they’ve infiltrated the PRESIDENCY, as well. He’ll call me a racist and an Islamaphobe (a made-up word) and try to discredit me (or imprison or kill me), but this is TRUTH. (World Net Daily)

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Incredible speech by Ted Cruz' father: