Tuesday, July 9, 2013

It this Billboard :Offensive?"

Yes. It is. But not for the usual reason. Why? Because (to liberals) it tells a basic truth, not because it pictures INDIANS, who WERE “protected” out of existence by this government. It proclaims for all to see the FALLACY of allowing a government—ANY government—to disarm us on the promise they will “protect” us. The truth is, not only WILL they not, they CANNOT. When danger strikes, most of the time, there are only SECONDS before somebody is hurt, while the cops (those representatives of government WITH guns) take MINUTES to respond (it's not their fault). So the cops can only “take names” and MAYBE someday arrest the culprits. Just using pictures of Indians is not enough, in my mind, to “offend:” intelligent people. People who get mad because of the use of Indians on that billboard are FOOLS and are using that as an excuse not to discuss the REAL issue. Yes, I used the term “Indians,” not that phonied-up term, “Native Americans” the PC Police order me to use. I don’t obey “orders” from self-appointed fools not qualified to give them. (The Blaze)


Anonymous said...

I am Native American and I LOVE that billboard. It is so true!

I also like Native American. There are Indians in many places. Native American means I am American and my family were here originally, which makes me VERY American.

Ray Thomas said...

Anon: You're right. Each and every one of us should be proud of our heritage. But I'm not "offended" by people PICTURING a white man in order to give a message and the term "Native American" as it's used, is a "made-up term" to avoid calling people what they are: "American Indians." And there's nothing wrong with that. In ANY case, I will NOT be told what I can, and cannot say or write. By ANYBODY.

Anonymous said...

Agreed. Nothing wrong with the term American Indian. It still denotes where the Indians are from. It works for me, too.

I am also with you on your last two sentences. For instance I say "illegal ALIENS" and refuse to adopt the PC "undocumented immigrant". Immigrants are people who legally entered this country. Those who enter illegally are illegal aliens and thus criminals as well.