Monday, July 29, 2013

Chicago Warfare

Obama talks about all the people that get killed in “war zones” in the Middle East, but he never says a word about all the people who get killed by guns in the “gun-free” City of Chicago. In the city with some of the tightest anti-gun laws in the nation, more people are killed at any given time than in many “war zones.” Just a recent weekend, SEVEN people are dead, and 30 wounded by gun violence there. How did those people GET their guns with all the laws against gun buying and ownership? It’s a mystery to incompetent politicians how so many people can die by gun violence in a land with such tight gun laws; but it’s not a mystery to intelligent people who know DISARMING honest people will not keep guns out of the hands of criminals (who break laws for a living), and only gives them an unending stream of unarmed victims. And we (not me) keep electing these FOOLS. They call it a “rash of shootings,” but it’s just a standard weekend in Chicago. (The Blaze)

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