Thursday, December 13, 2012

I'm Not A Conservative

Though conservatism in America is close to what I am. Neither am I a liberal, and never could be. Liberals, for the most part, believe stealing from a person who PRODUCES something and giving that stolen to someone who DIDN’T earn it, for whatever reason, is right. They believe EVERYBODY should get an “equal piece of the pie,” whether they earned it, or not. Conservatives believe the exact opposite. So do I. But some conservatives are ardent Christians; I’m not. I believe in a supreme being that “orders this universe.” I’d be a fool not to. This universe, in all its wonder and complicated interconnections, did not come into existence by chance. But I may or may not believe He takes the form you believe in. A supreme being capable of creating this universe doesn’t have time to worry about whether or not people believe in or worship Him. We are a "by-product" of His creation. Does that make me bad? Some people who do NOT believe in God want to vilify me for my beliefs, or lack thereof.

Some who do not believe in God want to vilify me for believing in a supreme being who may or may not be THEIR God. How can I hurt anybody for not believing the exact same way they do? Muslim extremists want to KILL me for the crime of being an “unbeliever.” That is the sign of a FOOL. I am a “rational individualist.” I give no credence to the wishes of ANYBODY who wants to control my life or my actions. I make MY OWN decisions and jealously GUARD the ability to do so, unhindered, either by liberals OR conservatives – or anybody else.  Conservatism is but a label one person applies to another to use in judging him (or her). Liberalism likewise. Liberals don’t want to be judged. But every person MUST judge others in order to know how to deal with that person. We are judging each other daily. It’s part of life. Refusing to allow judging is a means of not being held responsible for their actions without reprisals when they are judged to be inimical to good order. It is my right to judge others, though it is not necessarily my right to take that person to task for my judgment of him (her). (Just common sense)

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