Wednesday, December 26, 2012

Coulter: "Tax Rich LIBERALS"

And she’s right. Rich liberals aren’t the “job creators” of this society. They’ve mostly already MADE (or inherited) their money and are not affected by Obama’s “tax the rich” swindle. So what we need to do is start taxing rich liberals! There would soon be a bigger holler about that than there has ever been about anything else. Unfortunately, that’s taxing the same money more than once. Oh; I forgot. They already DO that to everybody. I’ve never made a dime that wasn’t taxed at least six times on several levels. But never on money I HAVE, not money I’ve MADE. The already rich liberals don’t care if those who are still EARNING their money are taxed at a higher rate. They will benefit the most from socialism, which will PREVENT people from becoming rich. (Ann Coulter)

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