Saturday, November 3, 2012

When Obama Bankrupts Coal

Obama has PROMISED to “bankrupt the coal industry.” Coal is absolutely ESSENTIAL to the creating of electricity, which we can’t do without, as we did 100 years ago. Look for the “buggy whip industry” to “come roaring back” if Obama gets re-elected and has his way. Horse and carriage will be the only viable means of transportation if we can keep enough horses alive with no electricity. How will we live without electricity after we have become dependent on it? Take a look at New York City and its environs today, with NO help forthcoming from the feds and the power knocked out. Obama’s goals are DISASTER for us. In New York, while we have plenty of gasoline, without electricity they can’t PUMP it. So we might as well not have any. Is this what you want for the whole country? Then re-elect Obama.(

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