Thursday, November 15, 2012

Enough, Already!!

I, and millions of other people have been suffering listening to the candidates for president and for other offices lying about each other and twisting what they do unmercifully. Some criticizing their opponents for doing what is RIGHT; such as Obama criticizing Romney for wanting to defund Planned Parenthood, the biggest baby-murderer in the country. Obama criticizes Romney for wanting the Supreme Court to reverse one of the worst decisions they ever made: the one that has meant DEATH for millions of innocent babies, MURDERED (as birth control instead of using a rubber) before they even have a CHANCE at life. And they keep repeating that insufferable phrase, “:We ask millionaires to give a little more.” How much more do they WANT “the rich to pay? They’re ALREADY paying MOST of the income taxes that are paid (the top 25% of wage earners pay 86% of all income taxes paid, according to no less an authority than the IRS). The “rich” are the very people who, if they are left a little more of the money they earn, CREATE every job there is outside of the GOVERNMENT JOBS people like Obama create, to suck more money out of us.

They criticize him for realizing the truth that almost 50% of Americans pay NO tax because they’re on some kind of “dole” and won’t ever vote for anybody who might take them off “the freebie list” and actually has the GUTS to say it out loud. (They're not "workers" as Obama calls them, they're the LEECHES on society). They LIE about what Romney did with Bain Capital. You don’t make money by destroying businesses. You ONLY make money by SAVING them. And Romney has a 90% PLUS record of SAVING the companies he buys. Democrats concentrate on the FEW he FAILED to save while intimating he made MILLIONS by CLOSING them. WRONG! We’re getting tired of it. I, for one, was glad when the ONE DAY after the election came when there are no political lies on the airwaves. ENOUGH, already, politicians! It’s time to stop the lies and twisting of the facts, for at least a LITTLE while. (Update: Well, Obama won and Romney lost. Apparently, a majority of Americans "bought Obama's BS) (Just common sense)

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