Sunday, November 4, 2012

Are We Really THAT Stupid?

Polls report Romney and Obama TIED in the race for president. Really? Is that even POSSIBLE considering all the STUPID things he’s done? He says, “You KNOW me!” We do. He got elected four years ago because we DIDN’T know him. Now we do, and he can’t hide his ignorant mistakes by BANNING the release of the information as he has consistently done with records of his past, NOR his ignorant policies based on his lousy basic premises. He says, "You know I tell the truth." NO, we don't. We know Obama lies consistently unless he is just "stonewalling" us about one of his many mistakes until after the election . Then there's watching while he lets four embassy people DIE in Banghazi. He asks, “Who do you trust?” The answer is, “Not you!”  He denies “American exceptionalism. Why? If we are not “exceptional, why do so many people, all over the world, from many different countries, consistently come here to better themselves? Why is America the destination of choice for ANYBODY who wishes to better themselves? Anybody who is not completely IGNORANT will NOT vote for Obama.

If enough of them do to let him be re-elected after his many mistakes we’re in for MORE than four years of misery as he moves us ever closer to becoming the “American SOCIALIST Republic.” He wants America to be the NEW “socialist showcase country” (as long as it can last that way) after the USSR “went down.” He doesn’t even know that the system he wants to impose on us against our will, will finally, DESTROY this country. We don’t really know if Romney can make things better, but we DO know Obama will make them WORSE. The only thing I can think of as to WHY Obama seems to be maintaining his position against Romney is that he MUST be “fiddling the polls” by “over sampling Democrats” across the board. Obama is in BIG TROUBLE whether or not he knows it. WE’RE in big trouble if Obama DOES win re-election. The ONLY poll that means anything will be on Tuesday, and hopefully Obama cannot “fiddle” that one. (Just common sense)


Anonymous said...

Yes. This country really has that many fools!! That is astonishing Qver 60 million of them voted for the destruction of the Republic.

This morning I said to a young obomabot voter, "Wednesday our Republic died and we descended into a Democracy." She paused, looked confused, then said, "I know I should probably know this, but what is the difference between a Republic and a Democracy." I looked her squarely and said, "If you do not already know that, you have no business voting!" She looked stunned. I let it settle in on her a few seconds, then educated her.

Ray Thomas said...

Anon: You're probably one of the very few, including our politicians, that know that, yet they still vote. It's the one flaw in our system. Excuse me: it's ONE of the flaws in our system.