Saturday, September 1, 2012

Nobody Knew He Was A Communist

No, I’m not talking about Obama, though it is true. I’m talking about a PROVEN communist, Fidel Castro, one whom events have SHOWN to be a communist, AFTER he “took over” in Cuba, claiming to be a patriot and a “nationalist” until he got the power. Then he started making “changes.” (What was that Obama promised us?) People thought he would stop with the “big corporations,” but he didn’t. Soon he was sending people to their little hardware store to take over: "Castro started with the sugar mills and the large industries, but they eventually came and knocked on the door of our family hardware store. My family had run this store for generations. They said, 'We now own the hardware store, you work for us. And that four-bedroom home you is now our property too. You have to move yourself and the five children into those two rooms of the house, because others are moving in here with you.' " (A Cuban refugee who fled to America) This is how despots work. Take over in small increments while the citizens DENY that it can happen here—until it DOES happen here. It IS happening here. Obama now owns a large part of General Motors and Chrysler, all done “legally” while telling their bondholders to “go to hell.” Obama is using the time-honored system used by all would-be tyrants to take over SLOWLY, so people will not notice. Like boiling a frog by putting him in cold water and slowly bringing it to a boil while if they threw him into a pot of BOILING water, he’d just jump out. This way, he’s boiled to death before he even notices. You’d better wake up, America because there isn’t anywhere to run when Obama reveals himself. (Just common sense)

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