Sunday, September 16, 2012

I Don't Believe It!

For some reason Obama doesn’t want us to think the embassy attacks are anything but an individual retaliation for a video that ridicules the Muslim “religion.” Maybe because it’s HIS religion. He has said it is on more than one occasion. But  one of the reasons I don’t believe it is that these attacks (not “demonstrations”) are too widespread and too well planned and executed, as well as too well armed. They are military operations, not "spontaneous demonstrations." The timing is yet another indicator that it is something PLANNED to coincide with the anniversary of what Islamic terrorism considers it’s “greatest triumph,” the second World Trade Center bombing. They try and convince us that went as planned, but I don’t believe that, either. I think they were as surprised as we were when those towers came down.

They’re not intelligent enough to have planned it that way. Now we’re getting word of Islamic terrorist attacks in AUSTRALIA, ferGawdsake! Obama still won’t admit they ARE at war with the entire non-Muslim world. Why? I still think we need to make even PLANNING a terrorist attack a reason for the DEATH sentence with a “fast-tracked execution” of the terrorists. Holding them prisoner for YEARS in Guantanamo, then RELEASING them to go back and swell the ranks of terrorists is idiocy. But something I expect of Obama. They need to be GOTTEN RID OF in any way possible. They don’t hesitate to kill us, so why should we hesitate to kill THEM? Click the link and take a look at this (partial) map of Islamic terrorist attacks all over the world. (Johnston’s Archive)


Anonymous said...

Enlightening map. I had not known there was such a map on the web. Of course, these were all peace loving love-taps by the "religion of peace".

Ray Thomas said...

Anon: And that map is not even up to date. Notice it has nothing on the recent attacks in Libya or Egypt. It's hard to keep up with their killing sprees.

Anonymous said...

Yes, I did notice and thought the same thing, that it is hard to keep up with the murders perpetrated by the "religion of peace".