Sunday, September 16, 2012

It's All About Gun Control

Why did they arrest a Marine hero and put him in a “looney bin?” It’s all about their campaign to first demonize those who went out and risked their lives to promote the nefarious theories of the “ruling class (unknowingly), then disarm them, as well as the rest of the populace, using that very populace to demonize them. As the liberals did after the Viet Nam war, they’re trying to do now with a new “modus operandi.” They want to demonize men (and women) who risked their lives for them while those liberals wouldn’t “dirty their hands” on anything dangerous. They called returning soldiers “baby killers” when they themselves, ARE the real baby-killers (abortion). If a limp-wristed liberal ever called me a dirty name for being in the military, I’d leave him lying in the street, wondering why he ever did that. Stay alert! They’re trying to disarm Americans and are coming at you from BEHIND (their favorite position). (The Daily Bell)

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