Saturday, September 1, 2012

Couldn't Find Anything

The feds have shut down their “investigation” of Sheriff Joe Arpaio in retaliation for his investigation into Obama’s birth. Mostly because they couldn’t find any PROVABLE crimes he committed. They tried valiantly over FOUR YEARS to find evidence of civil-rights violations, misuse of public money, perjury -- and said prosecution was declined because of a lack of evidence or an insurmountable burden of proof.” Arpaio thanked them for working so hard and spending so much taxpayer money to clear his name. An obvious dig at the feds, who didn’t do it to “clear his name,” but to smear him—as Democrats still do. Next thing, they’ll probably send the IRS after him (if they haven’t already). The IRS is good at finding things that don’t really exist if they get on you. You won’t find much coverage of this in the liberal media. I guess USA Today couldn’t avoid covering it. (USA Today)


Anonymous said...

I am surprised the Feds didn't just make something up! (Their normal M.O.)

Ray Thomas said...

Anon: They've gotten to the point where they're not even very good at that, now.

Anonymous said...