Sunday, November 13, 2011

Obama's Jew-Hate Confirmed

I knew it before this happened, but Obama’s slipup with the French President when he didn’t realize the mike was “hot” confirms it. He told Sarcozy he “had to deal with Netanyahu every day.” Obviously he was exasperated at that. It has been obvious that Obama did not like Jews since he wrote in his book, “Audacity of Hope,” ‘I will stand with the Muslims should the political winds shift in an ugly direction.' If you’re going to “stand with the Muslims,” who HATE Jews and want to “push them into the sea.” That makes your position obvious, no matter how much you lie about it. Since he was elected (a BIG mistake), his policies toward Israel and the Jews cemented it. An apology for his remarks just won’t get it. He spoke his own mind in that unguarded moment and no amount of “apology” will change that. Obama thinks Israel is “the problem,” in the Middle East, which reveals his complete incompetence. (USA Today)


Anonymous said...

Yeah, so what are we going to do about it? What are we going to do about all of obama's background information he has managed to get sealed ahead of the elections? What are we going to do about the fact that obama told everyone exactly who he is in his book, yet everyone looked the other way? What are we going to do about the fact that NOBODY investigates obama's scandals, yet lynches Cain? What are we going to do about the fact that obama and chewbacha hate The United States with every fiber of their being yet got into the White House? What are we going to do about the overwhelming number of STUPID PEOPLE WHO PUT HIM IN THE WHITE HOUSE? What are we going to do about all the lavish vacations at taxpayer expense? What are we going to do about obama and chewbacha's blatant, obvious contempt for the American flag? What are we going to do about them shoving obamacare down our throats no matter how much we protest and sue? What are we going to do about kagan, who will naturally find obamacare constitutional? What are we going to do about ANYTHING?? We cannot even come up with a viable Republican candidate we can get behind whom we know will stand up to obama in the presidential race, in spite of obama's adoring press supporting him all the way? Like obamacare, I think we will have 4 more years forced on us, regardless of what we say or do. I'm SO depressed.........

Ray Thomas said...

Don't be depressed. Do away with that "Anonymous" crap and start your own blog. They can't do anything to you (yet) and if the time ever comes they can, THEN is the time to be depressed. It certainly sounds like you can put your words together, The more of us who do that, the worse it's going to be for collectivists (socialists) like Obama to take us over. Obama is just "business as usual" on steroids. One thing I thank Obama for is "waking a sleeping giant" with his out of control excesses.

Anonymous said...

Thanks. I had some really good English grammar, writing and literature teachers back in the 60s, bless them.

I do not see that we have awakened intelligent people. Instead, we have 'Occupy Mania'. Think of the millions of dollars it will cost JUST to clean up after those fools who are protesting, hollering, drumming and pooping outside the WRONG BUILDING! They should be on the White House lawn, pooping on chewbacha's so-called garden! Think of the businesses that are being damaged by those 'Occupy' fools, as well as the businesses that have had to lay off people thanks to those fools, or have even had to go out of business. Additionally, think of all the disease Occupiers are spreading, yet they continue. Oh yes, they are 'exercising their rights' - - and screw our rights!

'Occupy' is a diversion from the important issues supported by democrats. The news is so full of 'Occupy' and accusations against Cain that we have no room in the media to cover the truly important issues that need our attention NOW. We need to nail obama for his scandals and corruption, ditch obamacare, and come up with a decent republican presidential candidate who can go up against obama and nail him with his own words and deeds. All the candidates we have to date are all sputtering and tripping over their own tongues!

Ray Thomas said...

You're looking in the wrong direction. OWS is Obama's attempt to blunt the Tea Party, which has already had a BIG effect, and now his total domination in Washington is OVER because of them. Didja see that video on the Blaze of the OWSer crapping on the sidewalk in front of everybody? We HAVE a "decent Republican candidate." Her name is Palin, but she's not running (yet). Another is Bobby Jindal, who is also not running. The nearest thing to a "decent Republican candidate" RUNNING is Herman Cain, which is why the Democrats are crapping all over him like they did Palin. That's how they tell us who they FEAR.

Anonymous said...

No, I'm looking in the right direction. That is why I said they should be pooping on the White House lawn. Democrats are behind occupy. Notice how silent obama is where occupy is concerned. We have a very serious election coming up and we need to be about that business, not farting around with this Democratic-paid occupy distraction that is costing tax-payers millions in clean up, businesses and jobs lost, and police actions. I think they should all be collected and should 'occupy' jail for 6 months, then have to work the rest of their lives paying off the city for all the mess, destruction, loss of businesses in the areas, and police actions. Occupiers need to be responsible for their destructive actions! I PROTEST what they are costing me to clean up their filth. I have rights, too!

Yes, I saw the video of 'The Pooper'. It told me a lot about how brain-dead most of the occupiers are and how little self-respect they have. Sheeple!

Nevermind who is NOT running. Look at the line up we have who ARE running. Pathetic! I am sorry to see Cain way down in the polls. He seemed our best hope. He seems very intelligent, and a decent man, but is very awkward because he is a CEO, not a politician (which to me is a good thing). People are used to politician-like responses (more polished), not real human responses. Cain has not done well in the debates, which tells me obama will rip him apart during the presidential debates. That means obama will win and we are doomed. No matter how much I like Cain, if he cannot go toe-to-toe with obama, he's toast!

And at such a critical juncture in the US, why is Palin NOT running? If there are better Republican candidates, why are they NOT running? In 4 more years there may be nothing to run for!

Well, maybe Cain will rise again. We have nearly a year. Newt just has too much baggage to stay on top.

I think the only way to defeat obama is an all out ATTACK. So far, Republicans do not seem willing to press obama on his deceit, lies, and corruption. Republicans are acting like a bunch of wooses! Republicans need to put a team of private investigators on obama and dig it all up and splatter it all out there for all to see. Further, obama should be forced to 'unhide' all of his and his wookie's backgrounds. How can you want to be president, yet not allow the American people to know who you are? What is he hiding and why did we allow him to do this? It makes no sense. That is electing a pig in a poke!

Ray Thomas said...

Anon: You're right. And OWS is White House created, while being run from there. It is Obama's attempt to compare with the Tea Parties and blunt their effectiveness. But the differences between typical liberal demonstrators and Tea Party people is so obvious that it isn't working.

If someone crapped on the white House lawn it's probably take them three days to find the steaming pile as it did when a OWS fool took shots at the White House.

Personally, I think Cain CAN win. ANYBODY whose name is not Obama can win. Obama is not known for being able to think on his feet without a teleprompter.

I think Palin will eventually run when it becomes obvious the Republicans are tripping over their tongues. But it will probably take a draft.

Remember, Reagan didn't want to run at first.

Cain doesn't need to "rise again." Only the liberal media says he's "out of it." I think he's going to surprise them (again).

I think he will not be allowed to run again without revealing what he's hiding now. If not, we're TERMINALLY stupid to let him crap on us again.

Anonymous said...

"I think he [obama] will not be allowed to run again without revealing what he's hiding now."

Really?? You are far more optimistic than I. I think he will be railroaded right on through and so many "issues" will arise to distract people that he will run.

I know that obama cannot string a sentence together without a teleprompter, but Cain does not seem much better at it. Ok, well, maybe that puts them even, lol.

You are also optimistic about Cain coming to the fore again. I hope so. His performance concerning the Lybia question bothers me a lot, but there is a TON more that bothers me about the other candidates and obama.

Oy! There is no comparison between the TeaParty and the 'occupy' brain-deads. This morning I heard Juan Willams lauding occupy and their powerful political impact and I just wondered, "What planet do you live on, Juan????" I could see he really believes what he said, too. How dumb can he get? He insisted that the majority of Americans felt the same as the occupiers when that is clearly incorrect! Even the moderator appeared shocked that Juan would say that and countered what he said, saying, "Really??? Even with all the violence?? The majority of Americans are quite fed up and annoyed with their whining and expectations of free hand-outs, not to mention the violence". He then cut Juan off and directed a question to someone else because Juan was going to continue with how wonderful occupy is. Juan doesn't get it!

I think it is too late for Palin to make a run now. She will have to wait. She is very young and has lots of time, but does this country have a lot of time?? I think not.

Ray Thomas said...

Anon: You're misunderstanding the power of those who are fed up with him. I don't think he can win another term under any circumstances. I could be wrong. I was wrong about Mayor Nagin in New Orleans, but I didn't have to live under his regime as I will under Obama's, If he DOES win another term, we're Lost.

Cain has more important things on his plate besides Libya. Don't let the problems the liberals want us to worry about get in the way of common sense. Obama has made a lot more, and more serious gaffes than Cain ever will.

Cain is a LOT better at it than Obama, but the liberal media won't show it. They emphasize his gaffes and ignore what he says that makes Obama look like the simpleton he is.

Juan lives on "Planet Liberal." Like most dedicated liberals, he can't see where he (and they) are wrong.

Don't put too much emphasis on the debates. All that will be forgotten by election time.And there is still a chance for Palin to run. I know she's now a "long shot," but it IS possible. She could even be selected as a Veep candidate again. Hopefully she will not be gagged as she was under McCain.

All the "Occupy" brain deads want is a free ride under socialism. They're stupid and will go home as soon as it gets really cold. Cold enough to freeze the turds as they come out on the sidewalk.

Anonymous said...

I hope you are correct in your view of the power of the 'FedUps'. I keep bumping into libtards. I look in their eyes and see plainly that they really do believe in obama. It is so very disheartening.

That is a good point. obama has many gaffes and they keep coming as he campaigns in his "57 states".

I want the debates on Tv so that I can see and hear them. I am not concerned about any later effect. I want to see each candidate speak and SEE their body language. I don't want someone else telling me later what went on in the debates as that will be slanted. I want to watch the candidates for myself!

A late entry Palin? I am concerned that any late entry will divide the Republican vote and obama will slip back in the WH.

"Cold enough to freeze the turds as they come out on the sidewalk." Oh god! I got a mental image of that. Thanks a lot, lol. Did you see that in LA they are removing 30 tons of crap the occupy-brain-deads left? What skuzzz they are.

Ray Thomas said...

Anon: The "fed-ups" aren't nearly as vocal as are the libtards. They're quiet now, but won't be in 2012. A lot of the crap we had to pay to remove WAS the "frozen turds" they left. Yes, there's a lot you can learn by watching the debates. But since they're mostly run by Democrats like CNN you have to be very sharp to see through the fog. For the most part, they're just a "dog and pony show."

Anonymous said...

I saw in the news this morning that quite suddenly obama is "celebrating hanukkah" in the White House, after spending 3 1/2 years alienating Jews. Fortunately, Jews are smarter than a lowly community organizer.

Then too the thought came to me that this may be his way of easing into celebrating muslim holidays in the White House. You know, just being all inclusive. Let's watch and see....

Ray Thomas said...

Anon: Obama says he's the best friend Jews ever had in the white House. And he really expects people to believe it. What a FOOL he is.

Ray Thomas said...

Anon: Obama is a narcissist. Like the late Libyan leader (whose name , whichever one he used at the moment of his death, escapes me at the moment), he will think everybody loves him even while they vote him out of office. He will attribute it to the "slick marketing" of a few.

Anonymous said...

Kadaffy Duck?

Ray Thomas said...

Anon: He's dead. There's no longer any rewason for me to think about any of his many names any more.