Thursday, March 17, 2011

This Is what It Will Come To

A British health care official says “some babies should be left to die.” A prominent British health care official associated with the country’s socialized medicine agency NHS is set to make a disturbing admission in an upcoming documentary: she thinks premature babies born at 23 weeks gestation should be left to die. Why? Cost concerns.” COST CONCERNS! What cost concerns is worth a human life? This is what it will come to in our country if we allow the government to take over the health care business. They will figure that since they are paying for it, they will have the right to KILL people to avoid spending too much money. Of course, whose money IS it? Ours; taxpayers. Not theirs. Soon they'll be making decisions as to which "old folks" cost too much to keep alive, and will just decide to kill them, too. (London Daily Mail)

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Yup! That is what it is coming to.