Wednesday, March 16, 2011

Complete LACK of Leadership

Everybody is looking to Obama for leadership in several areas where it is the president’s responsibility to lead. But he is not leading. Libyan rebels are BEGGING for our help to depose a ruthless murdering dictator at a time when he is not as strong as usual. Japan is literally “burning” and is in danger of a nuclear meltdown. There are many other crises in the world he ignores, while he plays golf, basketball, and writes his NCAA “brackets.” He seems to be completely disinterested in the duties of the presidency, while he is TOTALLY interested in increasing his and his Democrat friends’ power while moving us ever closer to socialism, a “failed system” that has never worked, except for as long as other, still “in business” socialist nations prop them up. He will NOT give Congress a viable budget on which they can vote, being content to allow Congress to pass one “continuing resolution” after the other, keeping the entire government “on pins and needles” wondering whether or not their operations will be funded this year. This is complete malpractice on the part of the president, and for it he should be impeached, so we can put someone in his office that will actually BE president. (New York Post)


Anonymous said...

I could NOT agree with you more. This is the worst excuse for a president this country has ever had. I know the type of people who elected him, too. I have a friend who has said for years that she NEVER watches the news or reads it "because it is depressing". Suddenly, out of thin air, she was all for obama considering him the savior of this country, a true Obama-Gogga. THAT is what elected this self-admitted "community organizer" who has no qualifications for being president, not even a US birth certificate. Eventually it WILL be found that he was never legally the president because he was born in Kenya.

I am incensed that obama is ignoring the pleas of the Libyan Rebels for our help. We apparently cannot even manage to establish a no-fly zone so that Ka-Daffy Duck cannot bomb his own people. obama has hardly given lip-service to the people of Japan, who are suffering horribly, yet with much dignity. We say we support freedom and are the most generous nation on earth, yet obama sits on his ass. He needs to be impeached NOW.

Ray Thomas said...

Anon: I seem to remember somebody being called "The Teflon president." That term would better apply to Obama. It seems like he can do no wrong to his followers. Hopefully there are enough NOT followers to get rid of him. You'll never get him impeached and will never prove him to be a Kenyan because he controls the "process." He just ignores demands to show his proof of American birth.

Ray Thomas said...

Anon: Actually, they just don't pay attention to politics and think politics won't pay attention to them.