Tuesday, April 13, 2010

Under Clinton

Eric Holder, Mark Rich, and many others were pardoned; six-year-old Elian Gonzales was forcefully captured and shipped off to Cuba, that Island prison run by the Castros; after campaigning on “no new taxes,” his first month in office saw one of the biggest tax increases yet, and it was unconstitutional, being retroactive; Laws were changed, allowing Clinton to teach the communist Chinese how to aim their missiles, and without breaking the law; Clinton got oral sex in the White House while important people waited in the outer office; he taught America’s children that oral sex was NOT sex, and increased the incidence of oral sex among high schoolers, and even among some grade schoolers; almost 100 people died (many of them children) at Waco, Texas, at the hands of Janet Reno, his Attorney General. These are just a FEW of the things that happened under Clinton, the third worst president in my memory. Barack Obama is THE worst, and Jimmy Carter the second worst. (Just common sense)

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