Wednesday, April 21, 2010

Crisis Governing

That’s what they’re doing today. Not a day goes by without news of another “crisis.” As Obama’s chief of staff, Rahm Emmanuel said, “never let a good crisis go to waste.” You can USE every “crisis” that comes along to get the country to allow you to enact laws you could not enact without the “crisis.” Even unconstitutional laws, evidently. So if there is no crisis for you to use, you CREATE one. Such as the so-called “health crisis” they used to create that abomination called “Obamacare.” There IS no “health crisis” in this country. It is the best health care system left in the world after government after government took over their medical delivery system and created monster after monster. If you go into a hospital with emergency needs, you WILL be treated. Yes, they will try and collect money later. But you will be alive. I owe more money than ever before in my life today, and that’s because I’m on Medicare. The program that’s SUPPOSED TO pay my late-life medical bills. Something I’ve paid into for most of my life. And now they’re even CUTTING Medicare by $550 million (billion? I can’t keep track) dollars! (Just common sense)


Anonymous said...

Ya THINK????

"House GOP Leaders Wonder How States Intend to Pay for Health Reform

GOP leaders on the Energy and Commerce Committee — including Reps. Joe Barton (Texas), John Shimkus (Ill.) and Michael Burgess (Texas) — have an inkling that the new health reform law will saddle states with costs they can't afford.

The lawmakers have asked all 50 governors and D.C. Mayor Adrian Fenty (D) for a host of information about how the states plan to pay for the changes. Included in their request, the lawmakers want to see projected costs "through at least 2023" and the estimated increase in Medicaid enrollment.

"Given the important role states play in implementing the legislation and the difficult budgetary situation in many states," the Republicans wrote in their Oct. 5 letter, "Congress must understand the impact of the legislation on each state's budget and what steps each state will take in order to finance these additional outlays."

See press release here:

See full letter here:

Source: Healthwatch, The Hill's Healthcare Blog"

They are only just NOW beginning to "wonder" how the States will pay for this???? Is everyone in office STUPID!!!

Ray Thomas said...

Anon: Yes, I THINK. Most people who do not pay attention to politics don't know this simple thing. You do. So with you, I'm "preaching to the choir." Hopefully, my words will also be read by some people who do NOT know this.

Anonymous said...

Amazing they were not worried about how to pay for this before they passed the bill. Oh! 'Scuse me. I forgot. THEY DIDN'T READ THE BILL!

Worrying about how it will be funded now is the same as closing the barn door after the horse has escaped.

And for this we pay taxes....

Ray Thomas said...

Anon: Liberals never worry about how they're going to pay for something. They just raise taxes.

Anonymous said...

And if the new taxes pinch THEM, they just vote themselves raises.

Ray Thomas said...

Anon: They don't pay taxes.

Anonymous said...

Of course they don't. Silly me...