Tuesday, June 9, 2009

Worse Than Cow Farts

“Just when you thought measuring and taxing bovine butt emissions was as silly as government meddling with your livestock could get; We can file this one under Astronomically Expensive and Unnecessary Crap. And cross file it under New World Order Advocates On Crack.” Did you laugh when we told you the government wanted to measure and tax “cow farts?” I did. But they were deadly serious, as are most liberals when they propose something stupid. Now they want farmers to PAY for GPS positioning of every cow on your land. Talk about an “unfunded mandate!” Like Rush Limbaugh says, “Liberals are funny when they’re out of power, but DANGEROUS when they GET power.” Liberal blogs will probably accuse me of plagiarism for quoting Rush as they did when Sara Palin quoted Newt Gingrich. (Elizabeth Crum)

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