Sunday, June 21, 2009

IS It A "Scandal?"

“There was a time when we would have called it a scandal. In 1921, oil tycoon Harry Sinclair gave several prize head of cattle and around $269,000 to President Harding’s Secretary of the Interior, Albert Fall. In return, Sinclair got the exclusive rights to drill in an oil field in Wyoming. Sinclair’s no-bid contract became the Teapot Dome scandal, the most notorious example of political corruption in America prior to Watergate. Between 2000 and 2008, the United Auto Workers (UAW) Union gave $23,675,562 to the Democratic Party and its candidates. In 2008 alone, the UAW gave $4,161,567 to the Democratic Party, including Barack Obama. In return, the UAW received 55 percent of Chrysler and 17.5 percent of GM, plus billions of dollars. But nobody’s calling this a scandal. It’s time we start.” (Newt Gingrich)

SHOULD we call it a scandal? The “state-run media” doesn’t think so. They’ve been instructed to view it as "business as usual" and something Obama “had to do for the good of the country.” But it’s not. It has been done for “the good of Obama and his accomplices.” It is the biggest swindle perpetrated upon the American people since AlGore‘s global warming. He had conned more money out of the American people than has ANYONE before him with this scam. IS it a “scandal?” The answer is a big YES! (Newt Gingrich Letter)

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