Thursday, June 18, 2009

"Limited" Recount

The Mullahs have "authorized" a "limited recount" of the vote from their recent election, which Ahmadinijerk sto. . .won. What does THAT mean? It means “recounting” all the votes FOR Ahminidinijerk while discarding all those against him. They’re doing it to placate those hundreds of thousands of demonstrators against him, some of which they killed. I think they were surprised at the sheer STRENGTH of the opposition. So they “ordered up” yet ANOTHER “demonstration, this time FOR Ahmadjinijerk, where NO ONE was killed. Anybody with any intelligence at all knows Ahmadinijerk was the CHOICE of the Mullahs, so you can depend on his “winning.” Now they have to “show” the dissidents he has a lot of “support.” I can’t believe they think people living OUTSIDE of Iran buy this bullderm. Maybe they’ve been “in charge” too long and they have started believing their own lies, as Obama has already done. I think it's instructive that people in Iran are SO "fed up" they'll risk DEATH in order to cause a change. Then they "muzzled" the press. "Authorities restricted journalists, including Iranians working for foreign media from reporting on the streets, and said they could only work from their offices, conducting telephone interviews and monitoring official sources such as state television." ONLY "official sources." No actual witnesses to government killings. (Yahoo News/AP)

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