Wednesday, January 2, 2019

Slap All Trump Haters

They have it coming. Yes, I know, all politicians have people who don’t agree with them, but Trump haters carry it too far. And those in his own political party are worse. Every Trump hater that blasts Trump is a “member of the swamp,” and they’re afraid Trump will eventually get to them, so they’re “shooting first.” I know not all who disagree with Trump are “Trump haters,” and it’s easy to tell which ones are. They’re the ones who deny all the good things he has done, and criticize him for inconsequentials without having any answers themselves. Like the ones that criticize Melania about her footwear. And people like Mitt Romney, who needlessly write nasty op-eds about him. Romney has long been a member of “The Establishment,” even though he had to spend some hard time finding a job, of late. The non Trump haters fear to speak because the Trump haters have a tendency toward violence. Personally, I no longer put political bumper stickers on my car because I can’t afford to have it damaged by a loony Trump hater. The Trump haters have no idea how they’re hurting themselves with their hate. But they’ll learn, when Trump gets to them. (Just common sense)

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