Tuesday, January 1, 2019

Sauce fot the Goose

Appears not to be “sauce for the gander.” Sen. Kamala Harris, (D-CA) a dedicated anti-gun fool, goes around mostly with ARMED security, paid for by the government, while she works tirelessly to bar us from having the same rights. It would be great if this story was a rare one, but it happens all too often. Lawmakers who work hard to keep civilians from being able to have the means for self defense reserve it for themselves, often at taxpayer (our) expense. Even that “teenage terror,” David Hogg has armed security when his “handlers” send him somewhere to rail against the right to be armed for self defense. Sen. Diane Feinstein, one of the loudest mouths against our constitutional right to own and use guns for self defense, not only had paid (by the taxpayer, of course) armed security, she carries her own gun! This is such an old story, it’s a cliché. Smug lawmakers making laws that stop us from doing the very things they do regularly. Another place they do it is in health care. They have their own “golden” health care plan with all the things we’d like to have, while offering us a “bare bones imitation” of their pan. Retirement is the same. One term in Congress gets them a lifetime pension that is almost as much as they made for actually working. (Breitbart)

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