Wednesday, January 23, 2019

"Come Shoot Us!"

That's what churches are telling thugs who want to kill a bunch of innocent people without much fear of being shot, themselves, by a parishioner. That's how it is in Indiana, now. But they're working to change that, and take down the "welcome sign" for mass shooters. Indiana has always had better gun laws than other states, and both my brothers and I have, at times, gone around armed. And neither of us ever shot anybody. I now live in Colorado, where the gun laws are much tighter, and I feel very "nervous" walking around. I'm now 80, and as such, I am considered an "easy target" by thugs as they watch me walk down the street. Another brother in Indiana (a non-active Marine), has a gun and carries it. He recently ran off two muggers just by showing them he is not to be trifled with. And he did not fire a shot. The thing is, EVERY "gun law" does nothing but make it easier for illegally-armed thugs to victimize us, by disarming us. (America's First Freedom)

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