Sunday, March 24, 2013

Politics Or Philosophy?

Many people say my blogs are all about politics. I disagree; I think they are all about PHILOSOPHY. But since you can’t divorce the two, I guess they are about that, too. Many people ask the question asked by Ayn Rand in one of her books, “Philosophy: Who Needs It?” The answer is simple: EVERYBODY. Everybody has a “philosophy of life” whether or not they realize it. Those who say they “have no philosophy” don’t realize that IS their philosophy. My philosophy is simple: I make MY OWN decisions. I do not allow others to tell me how to live. I KNOW how to live. I make my own rules. I’m friendly with most everybody until they show me they don't deserve it. I give each person a modicum of respect unless they SHOW ME they aren’t worth it; like Obama. People say I should “respect the office.” I disagree. If the man in it is not worth respect, the office he holds is worth NOTHING. (Just common sense)

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