Tuesday, March 26, 2013

Gay Marriage Is NOT A "Civil Right"

The founders didn’t even THINK about the possibility that gays (which were called “queers” then) would someday try and make it a “civil right: so they could call their opponents “racist” just for opposing it. I’ve been called a racist so many times it just doesn’t matter to me any more. I believe in judging individuals as individuals, not by the color of their skin or by the group they’re in but I’m a racist because I disagree with certain OPINIONS of others. You can’t make something a “civil right” by SAYING it is a “civil right.” It takes a little more than that. But liberals think otherwise and call me a racist for disagreeing. Well, I’ve got a suggestion for them: “Screw off!.” You calling me a racist doesn’t make me a racist. NOTHING liberals say makes it so. I care not if gays make contractual agreements between themselves LIKE marriage, but they cannot have the WORD “marriage” as far as I’m concerned. If that makes me a racist, then so be it. (Just common sense)

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