Wednesday, May 27, 2009

"We Must Put Aside Our Differences"

That’s a direct quote from “B. O.” (Barack Obama). But what it means is YOU must put aside YOUR differences and agree with HIM. That’s what it always means when a Democrat (liberal) talks about “putting aside our differences.” Has anybody ever seen OBAMA “putting aside HIS differences” with anybody else and agreeing with THEM? Not even! His ideas are going to bankrupt this nation, just as “Ahnolod’s” Democrat principles have bankrupted California (I know “Ahnold” ran as a Republican, but his every move since has been as a Democrat/liberal). As Democrat (liberal) principles have bankrupted New York and Massachusetts, both of which have been “ruled” by Democrats for a long time. If you want to see the result of being “under” a Democrat administration, just look there, or in Washington, DC, which has the highest murder rate in the nation, right along with some of the tightest anti-gun laws in this country. It spends more money per pupil on schools, but is near the bottom of all lists of academic excellence. Democrats (liberals) want to force you to drive those little “putt-putts,” while they’re still driving around in their SUV fleets, since they’re “too important” to be riding around in those little “putt-putts.” Yes; let’s “put aside our differences” and just do as we’re TOLD. (Just common sense)

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