Thursday, May 14, 2009

"Catch and Release"

NATO caught 19 Somali pirates “in the act” of hijacking a ship, but were forced to let them “walk” because they had not “attacked” the citizens of a specific country. We need to have laws made specifically FOR these pirates, so that when they’re guilty of “piracy on the high seas,” any country that catches them can prosecute and imprison them, even execute some if their personal crimes are sufficiently severe. That, or turn them over to somebody who can. They need to make laws that can be enforced by a multi-country organization specifically formed to fight piracy, and give them the authority to prosecute them. There were laws against piracy a hundred years ago that could be updated and used today if anybody “gets off his butt” and looks them up. Failing that, “anti-piracy laws” could be made, specifically targeting piracy on the high seas, allowing pirates to be prosecuted by ANY country that catches them. These laws NEED to be made, or the pirates win. (Columbia Daily Tribune)

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