Saturday, May 16, 2009

Jack Kemp is Dead

As with Ronald Reagan, there’ll never be another like him. He was the "father" of Reagan’s “across-the-board” tax cuts. You know, the ones that ALMOST DOUBLED the “tax take” while creating the biggest, longest-lasting economic boom in history? THAT Jack Kemp. The one who, along with Jack Kennedy and George Bush, KNOW that REDUCING taxes “across the board” will PROMOTE more business and INCREASE the profits made by “the rich,” therefore increasing the amount of taxable income, thereby increasing not only the “tax take, ” but the employment figures, as well. The Democrats will NOT admit this, and therefore all their plans will fail. They still say “the era of Reagan is over,” hoping if they tell this lie often enough, it will become true. They call it “trickle-down economics,” to denigrate it. But it IS “trickle-down” economics, where the profits made by the “big rich” (those who EARNED their riches rather than inherit them as do most liberals) CREATE jobs and profits, which lead to MORE profits and more jobs. (Just common sense)

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