Thursday, April 4, 2013

Obama's Insatiable Appetite for Tax Money

Obama spends most of his time and effort trying to figure out more and better ways to con us out of ever more taxes. Every day, in every speech he gives (and he gives many) that is a theme that goes through them all; his quest to con us out of ever more bucks so he can continue to spend, spend, spend, after already spending more money than there IS. He cries about the necessity to reduce spending by a TINY amount (the Sequester), giving us the “the sky is falling” scam to convince us that those reductions in FUTURE spending will CRIPPLE the country. They will not; they are like taking a QUARTER away from somebody who has $200,000.00. In short, it’s a PITTANCE; but not to Obama. He spends little time actually GOVERNING, preferring to spend his time trying to con us out of ever more money to support his “give-away programs” designed to buy ever more votes for himself and other liberal Democrats. So while we’re spending our time worrying about who won an Oscar, who won the super Bowl, or the Daytona race, he’s “skinning us” while we’re not paying attention. This guy is the most effective con man in history, way ahead of AlGore, whose "global warming" (now climate change) scam netted him $billions.(Just common sense)

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Worse than that, he is campaigning in california now for money to buy pelosi's way back into the speaker position, and totally ignoring North Korea!