Tuesday, December 1, 2020

Don't Forgive College Debt

It’s an obvious Dumbocrat scam to buy votes at the expense of taxpayers, and it’s unfair to all the millions of parents who have suffered high debt to send their kids to college, and then the kids are saddled with long-term debt it takes sometimes decades to pay off. I’m 83 years old and never went to college because my parents couldn’t afford it. Can I now go to college and get a degree with somebody else paying for it? An it’s not fair to all the kids who never got to go to college because their parents couldn’t afford it. The Dumbocrats claim not to be socialists, but if you look closely at everything they propose in an election campaign, it involves government taking taxpayer money to pay for giveaways, to buy votes at other people’s expense. That’s socialism, and it can’t be denied to intelligent people. Every time Dumbocrats announce a “new program” it stinks of socialism. This country was founded on the free market. It’s what made us a world leader in fiscal matters so that America is the “destination of choice” for those who want to better themselves. So we don’t want, nor need socialism, at any level. Communism (a form of socialism) almost destroyed the first colonists until they “wised up” and adopted the free market. (Just common sense)

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