Sunday, January 9, 2011

Making Hay While the Sun shines

The anti-gun fanatics lost no time to advance their agenda to disarm all Americans based on the legality of the gun purchase by the Arizona shooter. According to the Wall Street Journal, he bought the gun legally several weeks ago, despite “certain people” knowing he was “disturbed.” But I’ll say this: insane or not, he would have had no trouble obtaining a gun, anywhere in the country. If he couldn’t get it legally, he’d buy it out of the trunk of some crook’s car on a back street or in an alley. And it is known that where “tight gun laws” prevail. It’s even easier to find such criminals willing to sell illegal guns. They say, ”Of course he had a gun. This is Arizona, after all.” As if it’s “Arizona, where it’s ‘the Wild West,’ after all.” Yes, no license is needed to carry a gun in Arizona. But Arizona (except for illegal aliens killing innocent ranchers) is one of the safest states there is. (NECN)


Anonymous said...

Do you think politicians will get the idea that they are pissing off tax paying Citizens????

We are all feeling intensly pissed off at them. Personally, I would like to line them all up and smack them in a row.

Unfortunately, those of us who are unhinged may act on that anger in a violent manner. What happened in Arizona is a horror. Such violence does not fix the problems, but unhinged minds do not see that. It does seem that our society is creating more and more unhinged folks, probably because of the stress caused by finances and our own government.

Ray Thomas said...

Anon: No, they will not get the idea they are pissing off their constituents. They still think they are so much smarter than we are that they can't even EXPLAIN to us what they're doing and how it is "good for us." Killing them is not the answer because only "the unhinged" want to kill them and they just brush it off.

Anonymous said...

We will kill them in the voter's booth come the next elections.

Anonymous said...

Well, it looks like they DID get scared. Now they want a protective dome over them, so they can safely keep screwing over the citizens, and want US to pay for it.

Ray Thomas said...

Anon: Yup. They screw the people, then when the people get mad at them, they want the people to pay to protect them. That's how it works.

Anonymous said...

That's because the inmates are running the asylum (government).