Tuesday, February 16, 2010

"Green Police" Coming

“The most interesting element of the Super Bowl wasn't the Super Bowl. It was an advertisement for the Audi A3 TDI. The commercial depicted uniformed officials arresting Americans for, among other offenses, asking for plastic bags at the grocery, throwing away batteries, failing to compost an orange peel and installing incandescent light bulbs. ‘Green Police,’ announces one of the green-clad fascisti. ‘You picked the wrong day to mess with the ecosystem, plastic boy’." This ad was done as a joke, but the “green police” aren’t that far in our future if Obama and his crowd stay in power. Already there are laws to CHARGE for plastic bags; an item once touted as a “green product” that “saved the trees,” and to BAN incandescent bulbs. It ignored, even then, that trees are a “renewable item.” When a tree is gone, it doesn’t disappear forever. You simply plant another one. Believe it or not, there are more forests today than 100 years ago. But the coming “green police” won’t care about that. The whole idea is based on false science they make up as they go along. (Ben Shapiro/Town Hall)

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