Monday, March 30, 2020

What SHOULD They Do?

The anti-gun fools among us are fond of taking the lawmakers to task for “not doing their jobs” and making more anti-gun laws. Which demands answer to the question, “What in the hell should they DO?” They make law after law, and the people it should apply to just ignore them and continue to buy their guns illegally or just steal them. Meanwhile, the law-abiding, who OBEY laws, even STUPID ones, are defenseless in the face of those law breakers. It’s almost like they planned it that way. The whole point is, nobody can figure out a law that will actually WORK. I certainly can’t, and I’m presumed, by politicians, to be “not as smart” as they are. I keep asking this question of the anti-gun fools, and they keep not answering. Maybe because they HAVE no answer? Because there IS no answer. If there were a law they could pass that would make one iota of difference, those “smart folks” would have come up with it, and passed it. But NO! All they do is bi-ch and gripe that nobody HAS passed up such a bill into law, as if they are derelict in their duty for not doing so. (Lewiston Tribune)

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