Thursday, March 5, 2020

"Biden's Victory Transforms Race"

That’s what the liberal media says, anyway. So I ask: “Who cares?” Trump’s gonna bury the winner. I’m getting very tired of this incessant din of political lies being told by Dumocrats in their endless “debates” and lying ads, paid for by the gullible while Trump wins every Republican primary with 90% or more and the media ignores it. “Little Mike” telling us all about how HE “brought a great city back from a terrorist bombing” when all he did was continue what Rudolph Giuliani stared. He wasn’t even mayor when 9/11 happened. Then he tells us all about all the “good things” he did in New York in his three terms. Never mind a New York Mayor is only allowed TWO terms, legally. He “got around” that by running as an Independent the third time, and called that legal, “Crazy Bernie” talks about his admiration for dictator Fidel Castro’s education program” that increased literacy among his victims, so they could better understand his dictatorial diatribes before he murdered them. He really thinks socialism is a good thing for us, and says it, every day. It seems like this “campaign” is a permanent part of our life, with every outlet, including Fox running their drivel all the time. And after the next election, they will begin anew on the NEXT election campaigns and we will have to listen to the lies of the new candidates for whatever office they’re trying to gain. (National Review)

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