Monday, March 9, 2020

It's Really Sad

We’re down to only two Dumocrat presidential candidates now. One is an avowed socialist, the other is a dotty old man who can’t figure out why he should zip up his pants after going to the bathroom. He needs to be led by the hand to walk anywhere, and after 8 years of working beside Barack Obama, he can’t remember his name. Hell, he probably can’t even remember his OWN name! If he wins the nomination and Trump somehow falls dead so he can win the 2020 election, he will be but a figurehead, with other people running things in his name—until the inevitable happens—this man, who will be 80 soon, just will not be able to withstand then pressures of then presidency, and will die in office, leaving things to his VP, whoever that may be. I’m 82, and I wouldn’t want to be president, on a bet. I plan on living a log time, yet, and being president would guarantee me an early grave. Sanders, on the other hand, would make this into a socialist country, destroying what has made the United States the “destination of choice” for people from all over the world who want to better themselves. People here that are considered “poor” would be considered “filthy rich” in many other countries. Pray nothing happens to Trump, and that Pence runs and wins two terms after choosing a good VP to run and succeed him for another 2 terms. (Just common sense)

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