Monday, December 1, 2014

Riot Based On A Lie

There are spontaneous demonstrations in many places based on the LIE that Michael Brown had his hands in the air and was giving up when he was shot and killed. In one place football players entered the field with their “hands up,” calling attention to Ferguson. Obama is predictably pushing his “racism” plan, trying hard to “whip up” racism, based on an event that had NOTHING to do with racism, and EVERYTHING to do with a cop doing his duty and fighting for his life. Ferguson is an excellent example of criminals “taking over” when the “authorities wimp out,” as they have in Ferguson, right up to the governor of Missouri, who refused to send in the National Guard, allowing the looters and arsonists “free rein. ” That hero cop was forced to resign for the good of the force, but was refused a “severance package” through the STUPIDITY of the police politicians there. Which will not help them, because the rioters don’t give a damn about that, They just want to riot, steal what they can, and burn out honest biusinesspeople. (Daily Caller)

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