Sunday, December 7, 2014

GOP Wins Landmark Election

Mary Landrieu, the last remaining "old guard" UNBEATABLE politician for Democrats, has LOST. She’s the most recent victim of the Republican “landslide” of 2014. The Republicans now have NINE new seats in the Senate, and they only needed SIX to take over control of BOTH houses.  And they increased their majority in the House (Bye bye, Nancy! We hate to lose ya!  ...NOT!), Hope Harry loses his next election, too (gloat, gloat!). This is a good lesson for Democrats: when you go too far, you LOSE. Their arrogance earned them a place on the trash heap of history. It isn’t like in other countries, where you can get too powerful to lose control. If you spend too much of our money and take away too many of our rights, we’ll take away your jobs. Mary thought she was too powerful to lose. She thought she could “buck the trend” and win, while the rest of the Democrats lost. She was wrong. Good luck in retirement, Mary! Too bad we can’t take away your lucrative retirement income, too. I really enjoyed seeing that stiff smile plastered on her face after she conceded.(Mail News)

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