Wednesday, December 31, 2014

Reinforcing His Dictatorship

In America, there is only ONE entity allowed to MAKE laws. That’s the Congress. All Obama is allowed to do is accept or reject what they pass. He seems to think they’re obligated to pass the laws HE wants them to pass, and if they don’t, HE can do it “administratively,” meaning by FIAT. He can’t, under the Constitution, but he does it, anyway. And he gets away with it because the people responsible for ENFORCING his bogus laws don’t tell him to “go to hell” and refuse to enforce his ILLEGAL laws. And nobody does anything to stop, or punish him for exceeding his authority. This lawless fool should have been removed from office a long time ago, but apparently nobody has the gonads to try it. Why ANYBODY is afraid of this wimp is a mystery to me. He’s the weakest president we have ever had, except for dealing with people who disagree with him. (Tea Party News Network)

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