Thursday, September 21, 2017

Ignorant Socialists (Liberals)

The liberals (socialists) keep harping on a $15.00 an hour minimum wage rate, and such things as a minimum paycheck for people, whether they work or not. Ideas DESIGNED to bankrupt this nation. What the hell is wrong with them? Are they STUPID? Or just IGNORANT? To pay people only WORTH $5.00 an hour $15.00 an hour for work they have to be TAUGHT to do, even if it is the simplest job in the world, guarantees financial SUICIDE for any business that does it. It CAUSES unemployment, because NO businessperson with any intelligence can pay that much to employ inexperienced workers just entering the work force. And to pay people a minimum check regularly REMOVES any incentive to work, at all--which guarantees that soon there will BE no "workers" to PAY $15.00 an hour. And who gets to pay for all this largess? YOU, of course. And ME. The people who DO work. They LOVE giving away other people's money, whether or not they can afford it--which shows a certain LACK of intelligence on their part. (Just common sense)

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