Tuesday, September 5, 2017

Double Down On Stupid

That's what they're doing in Seattle. Their highly touted new gun law not only did not work, it cost the city a lot of money, while not doing a single thing to stop gun violence, or even slow it down. So what do they do? Blame the gun industry and double the fees. Of course. It's the fault of the gun industry that so many criminals MISUSE their products. Not mentioned is the fact that most of those misusing guns own them ILLEGALLY, which means most of them were not even purchased directly from a member of the gun industry. Again, not mentioned, is the fact that most of the shooters are street gang members, shooting each other. Then there are the ordinary people who get caught in the cross-fire. They have NO IDEA how to stop gun violence, but they PRETEND they do, while their laws and regulations do nothing but make "sitting ducks" of law-biding people. You know: the ones who DO obey their laws, and get shot by the ones who do NOT. Now they're DOUBLING that FAILED gun tax and adding a fee of $10.00 per bullet. Like anybody with INTELLIGENCE is going to keep buying their guns in Seattle. I certainly would NOT. I'd go to the nearest more "gun-friendly" place to buy my guns. And they would NOT be licensed in Seattle. No way! (Bearing Arms)

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