Monday, March 24, 2014

Biden: "We May Fall Short"

Ya think? Veep Joe Biden, the “king of gaffes” has done it again. He says, “We may fall short of the 7 million we thought would ‘sign up’ for Obamacare by March 1. It’s complicated.” What is “complicated” is their complete INABILITY to build a WORKING web site to sell this unsellable train wreck that has DOUBLED costs for everybody while making sure they can’t use it until they have paid THOUSANDS of dollars in “copays.”  There is NO “equal coverage” in what Obamacare offers, and its effect is to DESTROY the health care insurance industry so he can force a “single-payer provider” on us. This is the biggest SWINDLE to be perpetrated on the American people since AlGore’s global warming, and yet people ARE still “signing up” for it, mostly to avoid the “fines” for NOT “signing up.” (WKRC Cincinnati)

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