Saturday, March 3, 2012

Mosques Nearly Double In US Since 9/11

This scares the hell out of me. It tells me the Muslims are trying to take us over by having children all over the place so they will soon OUTNUMBER us. What that happens, they can vote to do anything they want after a while. We need to start realizing that Islam is NOT a religion. It is a political philosophy MASQUERADING as a religion, and is bent on taking us over, one way or the other. If they can’t do it by force of arms, they’ll do it by outnumbering us in our own lawmaking bodies. That scares me. Because there isn’t much we can do to stop them under our current rule of law. And they realize that. So they just keep on having kids IN America and one day they’ll have enough votes to do what they wish. Fortunately for me, I’ll be dead (I hope) by then. (World Net Daily)

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