Sunday, March 18, 2012

And They Wonder Why It's Getting Worse

Obama Will Make Taxpayers Guarantee Mortgages Without the lenders Checking Borrowers' Incomes or Employment. Just like before the 2008 election when the 1976 law that forced lenders to loan money to deadbeats was first in force. It’s STILL in force with Fannie and Freddie again keeping the lid on until they need another “bump” in the bad economy. They FORCE them to loan money without regard to their ability (or non-ability) to pay it back, while now FORCING the taxpayers to guarantee the loans. The economy predictably gets worse, allowing Obama to say the free market doesn’t work so I’m going to change to socialism. Making loans to people who cannot pay it back is a “recipe for disaster” and one that forced the banker in Ayn Rand’s prophetic “Atlas Shrugged” to “zero out” his businesses and disappear to avoid being FORCED to do it. He started his own little town in the mountains of Colorado (he could do it in the time this story was set) run on his own ideas of economics, aided by John Galt’s “perpetual motion machine” invention. But we don’t have such a giant of finance today who can start a “strike of “the men of the mind” and destroy the liberal’s economy so we could “start over” with economic ideas that WORK. (CNS News)

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