Thursday, November 19, 2009

They Call Us "Extremists"

But actually, we’re the only SANE people out there: the ones who pay attention” to what this current crop of liberal looters are doing to us and are outraged. They call us “extremists” to discredit us (they hope) and keep us from preventing their looting of this entire country. People who “pay no attention to politics” just don’t believe the people they voted into office are con men and thieves. Those con men DAILY lie to us while they’re spending OUR money in such large amounts people can’t even PICTURE it. They make laws that “hem us in” more and more every day with more restrictions on what we may do, and what decisions WE may make. The Homeland Security Department is actively TARGETING “The Tea Party” people, calling them “right-wing extremists. For WHAT? For opposing their efforts to loot us and enslave us?

I’ve never been to a Tea Party event, but if I was able, I’d certainly be there. So if they want to come and get me, they’re welcome. They’re “worried” about “violence from right-wing extremists," even though ALL the violence so far has been from THEIR union thugs. The “Tea Party “ people are good Americans who are FED UP with Obama and his “gang of thieves” in Washington “taking over” our lives and using our money to do it. People better start paying more attention to what they’re doing or this country is going to be the next Soviet Union (under a different name). I'm really frustrated. I've been screaming about what they're doing since 2000, and BEFORE, but nobody's listening! I don't know what else I can do. I feel like Alexander Solzynitzen did when he lived in Russia. But there's nowhere in the world for me to go. If my country goes down the same collectivist (socialist, communist, fascist) road as Russia, there is no "free country" to which I can flee; and I'm too old and broken to do much fleeing, anyway.

I'm AFRAID for my country! Like never before. I feel so helpless, while Obama and his thugs steal everything we own and make this into "worker's paradise" like Russia was, and still is (under a different name). They've been telling "The BIg Lie" for a long time, and we're to the point where ignorant people will FIGHT YOU if you try and set them straight. Rush Limbaugh has been doing it for a long time. Sean Hannity too, and Glenn Beck, Ann Coulter, and others. But what do they get from some Americans? Scorn and diatribes against them, which means they ARE being somewhat effective. But unfortunately, not enough, as witness the people in power in Washington, right now. The only way to stop them from RAPING us is to vote their supporters (in Congress) out of office in 2010, then get rid of Obama in 2012, or even before that if possible. (Bayou Buzz)

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